Chicago Prosecutor Resigns Saying He Can No Longer Work Under Kim Foxx


Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Jim Murphy resigned Friday after 25 years in office.

According to his resignation letter, which was obtained by a local media outlet, Mr. Murphy asserted that Kim Foxx “more concerned with political narratives and agendas than with victims and prosecuting violent crime.” He further stated he has "zero confidence" in the leadership at the office.

His statement is below:

“I wish I could stay. I would love to continue to fight for the victims of crime and to continue to stand with each of you, especially in the face of the overwhelming crime that is crippling our communities. However, I can no longer work for this Administration. I have zero confidence in their leadership. I am going to look elsewhere for opportunities to make a difference. In addition to saying goodbye to all of you, I wanted to explain some of my reasons for leaving. This administration routinely claims that they have shifted their focus from prosecuting low level crimes so that they can focus their resources on fighting violent crime and drivers of violence. This is simply not true. If this administration was truly concerned with effectively fighting
violent crime, then they would fully staff those courtrooms and Units.”

At the end of the letter, Murphy insisted that he is proud of the work he’s accomplished: “It has been the honor of a lifetime to have served the people of the State of Illinois alongside each of you. Keep fighting the good fight.”

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