Motorcycle & SUV Crash at Cumberland & Foster in Norridge


Motorcycle & SUV Crash at Cumberland & Foster in Norridge.

A northbound motorcycle collided with a west bound SUV at a high rate of speed late Wednesday night.

The driver of the motorcycle was seen laying in the roadway, motionless with his shoes off his feet, spread close to 40ft apart from each other from the impact of the crash.

The bike was demolished and the Subaru Forester SUV sustained major damage to the drivers' front and side. The driver of the SUV was unharmed and was spoken to by this reporter.

He gave an account of waiting for the light at Foster & Cumberland, as he was traveling westbound on Foster, awaiting the light so he could cross Cumberland, going westbound on Foster.

As the light changed green he proceeded thru the intersection and a motorcycle, traveling at a high rate of speed slammed into his Subaru, causing his vehicle to spin facing northbound on Cumberland and was pushed approximately 30 ft from where the initial impact happened.

The motorcycle was demolished and the driver taken to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. Eyewitness stated the motorcycle rider was laying motionless in the street and was stabilized at the scene before being transported by EMS to a nearby hospital. His condition is unknown as of the writing of this article.


Crash eyewitness Mike Szczudlo has told NewsMan1967 details of the crash, as he was right there when it happened.

"I was at the light heading north on Cumberland when I heard the motorcycle coming up behind me… that thing was screaming so loud I looked up at the rear view to see what it was when I saw him slam into the car crossing the intersection."

UPDATE: The driver of the motorcycle is alive, with badly damaged legs.

Crash Scene Video

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