Maine East Has Cancelled Boy's Gymnastics


In a Devastating Blow Maine East Has Cancelled the Boy's Gymnastics program.

There were choices to not cancel and allow the boy's to continue to train and compete, but perhaps not at the Sectional or State levels, but Maine East has chosen to axe the program in it's entirety, at least as of the writing of this article.

This reporter has reached out to Maine East for comments for this article, but as of now, has not received a response.

Below is a clip of Henry Morrison, the #1 Boy's Varsity gymnast at Main East performing at the 2023 sectional in Lyons Township. He went onto compete in State in this event as well as all other routines except the high bar.

The Boy's and Men's gymnastics programs consist of the following routines:
Vault. High Bar. Parallel Bars. Floor. Pommel Horse & Still Rings.

Maine East Varsity Competing At ILHS Sectionals 2023

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