Former NFL player Sergio Brown's Mother Found Dead in Maywood


According to WBBM, News radio 780 & Channel 2, missing Former NFL player Sergio Brown's Mother has been found dead in a creek behind her Maywood home, and a search for him continues.

The family of Brown and his mother, Myrtle, alerted police after they said they’d been unable to find or contact either of them, the Maywood Police Department said in a news release.

“Maywood Police Officers initiated a missing person report and began making attempts to locate both individuals,” the news release read.

Authorities searched a wide area and discovered Myrtle’s unresponsive body near a creek behind her home, according to the Maywood Police department.

The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office determined Myrtle, 73, died from multiple injuries related to an assault, and the manner of death was homicide, according to records obtained by WBBM.

Chicago Area News Podcast of This Story Read by Steven Tobin

Source Article On WBBM's Audacity Website

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