Illinois’ Election Board Votes to Dismiss Attempt To Remove Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot


In a unanimous 8-0 decision on Tuesday, the Illinois’ Election Board Voted to Dismiss an Attempt To Remove former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 election ballot, just one week before the issue is scheduled to go before the US Supreme Court.

The issue at hand has been can the former president’s role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol disqualify him from returning to the Oval Office.

Across the USA, there has been dozens of 14th Amendment challenges to Trump’s eligibility to run for President. Many have been considered by courts, election boards, or secretaries of state over the past year.

The Colorado Supreme Court and Maine’s secretary of state have ruled that Trump is ineligible to appear on those two states’ primary ballots due to the amendment’s “insurrection clause.”

Of course, not being on the ballot does not mean people cannot write his name in and may in fact lead to a sympathy or protest vote in his favor, according to some political consultants.

Catherine McCrory, one of the Republicans on the Board of Elections, voted to keep Trump on the ballot, but she also attacked him over January 6.

“There is no doubt in my mind that he manipulated, instigated, aided and abetted an insurrection on January 6. However, having said that, it is not my place to rule on that today,” she stated.

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