Man Convicted of Murdering CPD Officer Ella French Requests New Trial


According to FOX32, WFLD, Emonte Morgan, 23, who was found guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Officer French last month has filed a petition in Cook County court requesting a new trial.

The facts laid out by FOX32 state that in September 2021, Emonte Morgan was indicted on 85 counts for his
role in the fatal shooting of Officer French, and in March 2024, he was
found guilty.

On April 3, Emonte's attorney submitted a motion requesting a new trial for the following reasons:

  • The State failed to prove Emonte Morgan guilty beyond a reasonable doubt as to each offense.
  • The verdicts are against the weight of the evidence.
  • Emonte Morgan was denied due process of the law.
  • Emonte Morgan was denied equal protection of the law.
  • The State failed to prove every material allegation of the offenses beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • The Court erred in giving jury instructions on behalf of the State over the Defense’s objection.
  • Emonte
    Morgan did not receive a fair and impartial trial as guaranteed him
    under Article I, Sections 2, 6, 8 and 10 of the Constitution of the
    State of Illinois and under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution
    of the United States.
  • The Court erred in denying the Defense motion for a directed verdict at the close of the State’s case.
  • The
    State made prejudicial, inflammatory and erroneous statements in
    closing arguments designed to arouse the prejudices and passions of the
    jury, thereby prejudicing Emonte Morgan’s right to a fair trial.

sentencing date for Emonte Morgan was not set following his conviction,
but a date for post-trial motions is scheduled for Friday, April 19.

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