17-year-old Chicagoan murdered his mother while on house arrest for pending juvenile case


Prosecutors on Saturday accused a 17-year-old Chicago boy of murdering his
mother in front of other family members while on house arrest for a
pending juvenile case.

Davion Pryor allegedly shot his mother, Tatanisha Jackson, in the head four
times at point-blank range as she arrived home on Thursday afternoon in
the 6800 block of South Cornell, according to prosecutors. His father and
7-year-old brother reportedly witnessed the shooting.

Authorities alleged that Pryor fired more shots through the back door of the
family home as he fled the scene. He surrendered to police just before
10 o’clock that night at the Grand Crossing (3rd) District station.

No motive for the crime has been established as of yet, and it appears unprovoked, according to Prosecutors. Chicago Police found the murder weapon and 12 shell casings at the

Cook County Judge David Kelly detained Pryor as a safety risk, denying a bail request.

According to public records, Pryor was on electronic monitoring for an aggravated battery case,
and he was also adjudicated delinquent for carjacking in July, officials

He is the 26th person accused of shooting, killing, or trying to
shoot or kill someone in Chicago this year while on felony pretrial
release. The crimes involved 41 victims, nine of whom died.

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