Man murdered victim in cold blood during brawl among River North bargoers, prosecutors say


CWB is reporting that a Cicero man who was on probation for a felony gun case shot and killed another man
in cold blood as bargoers brawled on a River North street over the
weekend, according to prosecutors on Monday. The details emerged as prosecutors
detailed the allegations against Jeffery Campos, the 20-year-old Cicero
man who they claim pulled the trigger that left another man dead.

In a written proffer provided by the Cook County State’s Attorney’s
Office, prosecutor Anne McCord Rodgers said the fight began among a
group of people as they left Mother Hubbard’s, a bar at 5 West Hubbard,
around 3:30 a.m. Saturday. A Chicago police surveillance camera recorded
the entire incident, according to Rodgers.

According to prosecutors, tThe 24-year-old victim, who has not been publicly identified, was walking with three friends when the fight began on the sidewalk. At one point, the victim stepped in and twice punched a man wearing a yellow shirt who was involved in the fight to get him off of his friend.

The victim then stopped punching and was observing the brawl, unarmed when Campos fired a single round into the side of his head, causing the victim to collapse onto the sidewalk.

Rodgers further stated that Campos confessed to shooting the victim because
he believed the victim had struck his father’s friend during the fight.

Judge Susana Ortiz detained Campos as a public safety risk on Monday.

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