
According to a video posted on X & Instagram, an older woman can be seen attempting to assault two Glendale Heights Panera bread patrons who were apparently wearing clothing supporting Palestinians.
The woman appears to be wanting to attack a women who is filming the incident and is stopped from doing so by a much larger, taller & younger male who was accompanying the woman who was filming.
According to Arab Chicago's Instagram account, this is the information they have listed on the incident:
"We have received an update regarding the woman in the video attacking a Palestinian family. The Downers Grove Police Department has identified her and plans to visit her residence soon. Complaint forms are being processed, and this case is gaining significant attention.
Our team ensured the video reached every major news outlet in the Chicagoland area, and we are pleased to share that the story will be covered widely to keep the spotlight on this disturbing incident.
We now urge our community to take action. Please call the Downers Grove Police Department and demand that they open a hate crime investigation. Together, we can ensure justice is served. Here are the contacts: Downers Grove Police Department: 630-434-5600"
There is no official word on the identity of the parties involved and calls to the Downers Grove Police were unproductive.
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