East Maine District 63 Response To The Texas School Shooting


East Maine District 63 Response To The Texas School Shooting Dr. Scott Clay, Superintendent issued a press release in which he offered condolences and outlined the District's guidelines and policies regarding school access and how they work with law enforcement to prevent and react to potential threats to students & staff.

Below is a snippet of the press release:

"While recent events sometimes make us feel that no safety measure would ever be adequate, I do want to assure you that D63 works closely with the Police Departments of Cook County, Morton Grove, and Niles to assess and develop safety measures. Procedures are in place that limit access to all of our schools. All visitors must be buzzed in and go through a security screening before gaining access to the rest of the school. We conduct law enforcement drills, have emergency notification systems in every school office, and continuously evaluate our security measures. We have also installed security cameras in all of our schools." - East Maine District 63 Superintendent Dr. Scott Clay.

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