TikTok Devious Lick Challenge at Gemini Middle School


Gemini Middle School Principal Lewis Roberts has addressed the TikTok Devious Lick Challenge in an email statement to the parents of Gemini Middle School students.

In the email Principal Roberts addresses the challenge in how it has affected Gemini, and how parents and students should address this latest trend, as well as how Gemini may deal with students who engage in destruction of school property.

Below is Principal Roberts statement to parents regarding the latest TikTok challenge:

'It saddens me to report that some of these things have happened at Gemini.
Over the past week, we have had several incidents involving students
destroying soap dispensers, throwing soap around bathrooms, and clogging
toilets until they overflow. At this point, we have no replacement soap
dispensers due to the vandalism and damage to property that has
occurred. Starting tomorrow, we will be closing certain bathrooms,
which may result in your child having to wait for a short period of time
to use the bathroom.

we can, and will, impose significant consequences for these actions,
including requiring students to pay for the damage they cause, I am more
hopeful that the social pressure of those who think this is not funny
and not okay will have an influence on those who are following the
crowd. I encourage any student who witnesses vandalism to tell an adult
if they do not feel they can safely intervene themselves. I am asking
that you please emphasize with your child(ren) that this behavior is not
OK and that you do not approve. I also encourage you to talk to your
child(ren) about the influence of social media as teenagers must sort
through a significant amount of information from influences as they try
to make decisions and regulate their impulses and behavior. The Washington Post recently published an article for parents about the Devious Licks Challenge and provided some guidance for how to address it. The article also shares useful information and advice about one’s digital reputation and role as a citizen.

few students would say that damaging the school represents their best
selves; we all share a common goal of helping young adults make positive
choices, even in the face of peer pressure on outside influences that
tell them to do the wrong thing. Thank you in advance for talking with
your child(ren) about this important issue.'

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